
Looking to talk to me about DisCONNECT? Got a proposal you think I’d be interested in? Got a complaint? Found an issue? Something I haven’t thought of?

You have two options.


You can email me: I rarely check the email these days because it’s mostly filled with spam notifications, but whatever, the option is there.


You can post a comment on most DisCONNECT articles. There are a few important things to note about comments though. Firstly, comments are public, and unlike other sites, I do not enforce a strict set of community guidelines regarding flaming, arguing, or fighting. This includes myself. If you don’t like how another person (including myself) has addressed you, or if you don’t like their arguments, I’m not going to intervene. You can fight it out on your own. Everybody is fair game. There’s no “Report2Win” button here. You have to take responsibility for your own arguments and defend yourself from any attacks.

However, it’s irresponsible for me to allow an absolute free-for-all to occur, so there are some very minor rules:

  • No discussion of illegal activities or provision of illegal materials (including web links)
  • No threats against the personal safety of another commentator.

Such comments are removed as soon as I see them. I also reserve the right to remove any comment I believe crosses the line, which may be entirely arbitrary and opaque. For the most part general internet flaming is perfectly acceptable. Note that discussion of illegal activities includes software or media piracy, but only in the sense that I will not allow any instructional guides, links, or other material expressly enabling such piracy. General discussion as a concept though is allowed. I know that a lot of people do it, but it’s just not worth any potential legal hassle, particularly in today’s climate.

One thought on “Feedback

  1. I don’t know if you’ll see this or not, but it’s KKnD here. How I came across your requiem article was just a bunch of coincidences, but I did. And I read it. And it made me sad, but proud. Proud and sad. Sadly proud, or something like that. Anyway. If you’re still around – drop me a line? james matson at api dot net dot au.

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